March is the time of year that the phone starts ringing after a a quiet winter season. Customers phone and Dylan makes a lot of site visits to speak to people about their water needs. He puts on many miles and I think he feels like he's not getting anything done but it's a very important part of the job. Every customer has unique needs and questions and they are all given advice to suit their individual needs. This week alone he delivered well logs to Beaverdell, looked at an older well in Bridesville, walked several properties in Cawston and witched multiple water well sites in Grand Forks and Christina Lake. Not to mention all the conversations and questions answered over the phone. Well casing has been ordered and will be arriving later today and the drill is out of it's covered winter home and ready for work. We will be starting to drill in the Kootenay region and will be drilling in the Okanagan right away. We are ready for spring, hopefully Mother nature is too!
I found a couple old pictures. The top one is Dylan drilling a water well winter a few winters ago. Looks like he drilled into a nice clean water aquifer.
Below is the rig with Randy. He is now retired but was a fantastic member of the OKWD team. He was one of our first customers when we bought the well drilling business in 2006. He later came to work with us drilling with us in the Okanagan, Kootenay, Alberta and even Inuvik in the Northwest Territories. We hope you are enjoying retirement Randy!
Below is the rig with Randy. He is now retired but was a fantastic member of the OKWD team. He was one of our first customers when we bought the well drilling business in 2006. He later came to work with us drilling with us in the Okanagan, Kootenay, Alberta and even Inuvik in the Northwest Territories. We hope you are enjoying retirement Randy!